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Executive Branch

Field Services

Elisa Judy
Chief Deputy Probation Officer - Adult

LaToya Thomas
Chief Deputy Probation Officer - Juvenile

The Riverside County Probation Department is responsible for the investigation and supervision of adult and juvenile clients throughout the county. Deputy probation officers provide state-mandated services to the Courts and clients in the form of regular supervision contacts, referrals to and oversight of participation in counseling and treatment and in the production of court reports containing dispositional recommendations. This wide range of services is primarily focused on client rehabilitation, accountability and community safety. To achieve these goals, probation officers work collaboratively with the Courts, community-based organizations and fellow county agencies that provide behavioral health, public health, education, veterans’ and social services. In addition, probation officers assist and/or work directly with state and local law enforcement through multi-agency task forces that specialize in gangs, narcotics and accountability and compliance. The department has implemented juvenile delinquency prevention and intervention programs such as Wraparound Services, Independent Living Skills and Home Supervision to reduce further entry by youth into the justice system. 

Risk and needs assessments are completed to place clients under appropriate levels of supervision and to provide assistance targeting individualized case plan goals. Evidence-based caseloads consist of high, moderate and low-risk supervision. In addition to adult clients supervised on formal probation as a result of the passage of the Public Safety Realignment in 2011 (AB 109), probation officers supervise Post Release Community Supervision and Mandatory Supervision individuals. These clients were either released from state prison onto probation supervision or were sentenced by the Court to a term of imprisonment which was served in a local detention center with subsequent supervision by the probation department. 






CDPO Elisa Judy - Adult
CDPO LaToya Thomas - Juvenile