Executive Branch
Administrative & Business Services
Cherilyn Williams
Chief Deputy Probation Administrator
Administrative and Business Services (ABS) is responsible for providing the infrastructure through which the department can achieve its mission. The primary functions of ABS are Human Resources Services, Fiscal Services, and Business Intelligence and Operations Services (BIOS).
The Human Resources Division is responsible for finding, hiring, managing and retaining employees, and for ensuring that the right employees, in the right numbers, are deployed throughout the department to achieve its goals. The Human Resources Division encompasses two distinct units: the Professional Standards Bureau and Personnel Services Unit The Professional Standards Bureau is responsible for hiring highly qualified individuals and ensuring that each candidate meets the requirements to work in a public safety agency; conducts thorough and objective internal affairs investigations; and oversees departmental compliance with federal, state and county safety standards. The Personnel Human Resources Support Unit coordinates the efficient management of all payroll and leave management services, administers employee benefits, as well as the onboarding new hires and managing the orientation process to get employees set up in their new roles.
The Fiscal Services Division is responsible for the preparation and management of the department’s budget while adhering to federal, state, and local accounting principles, policies and procedures. The Fiscal Services Division is divided into four core units that perform specific services on behalf of the department. These units are the Management Reporting Unit (MRU), Accounts Payable/Procurement Unit, Contracts and Grant Unit and Facilities and Asset Management Unit. The MRU is responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring all the department’s budget activities, including revenue management, grant accounting and long-term financial planning. The Accounts Payable/Procurement Unit is responsible for the procurement and payment of goods and services to vendors while ensuring compliance with accounting and purchasing policies. The Contracts and Grants Unit oversees the effective and efficient facilitation of all contract and grant activities, including the solicitation of program services; development, approval and execution of contracts; and facilitate Board acceptance of grant funds and contracts. The Facilities and Asset Management Unit is responsible for the maintenance and improvement of new and existing facilities and the safeguarding of department assets.
BIOS provides technology and data related services to the department. The division supports all inhouse applications as well as servicing data requests related to our Case Management System. Research staff gather data and produce a multitude of requested and mandated reports throughout the year. BIOS provides application specific training for all department staff as well as partnering agencies. The division reviews current technology to determine appropriate desktop equipment configurations, implements and supports hardware infrastructure and continually seeks out new tools to improve department efficiency and staff productivity. BIOS maintains and supports the Probation Intranet and is the liaison to the Riverside County Information Technology Department.