Executive Branch
Institutional Services
Daniel Castañeda
Chief Deputy Probation Officer
Joseph P. Doty
Chief Deputy Probation Officer
The Riverside County Probation Department operates three juvenile detention facilities located in the Riverside, Southwest and Coachella Valley regions. One residential treatment facility, the Alan M. Crogan Youth and Treatment Education Center (AMC-YTEC), operates in Riverside. The detention facilities primarily house youth pending court hearings or out-of-home placement. AMC-YTEC provides residential treatment programs and services to youth who are committed to this program by the Court. This includes re-entry case planning while housed and community supervision upon release. AMC-YTEC is also the housing location for youth committed to Pathways to Success, the department’s secure track treatment program created in response to the passage of SB 823.
Daily Programs and Activities Include:
- Ongoing case assessment by a multi-agency treatment team.
- Case planning to address each youth’s specific needs.
- Education (eligible youth can prepare for and take the high school equivalency test or graduate with a diploma).
- College and vocational education for high school graduates.
- Recreational and exercise programs.
- Faith-based services and counseling.
- Medical evaluations and treatment.
- Individual and group behavioral health counseling.
- Programs with a specific focus (i.e., trauma-informed care, substance use, anger management, sex offender treatment, family engagement, gang awareness, vocational training, parenting, independent living skills, conflict resolution, health, etc.)