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    Role of the Commission & Legal Authority

    As noted, Section 225 W&IC mandates that each county in the State of California shall have a Juvenile Justice Commission. The role of the Commission is set forth in Section 229 W&IC, wherein they are appointed by the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court to fulfill various responsibilities including monitoring administration of juvenile court law and supporting activities designed to prevent juvenile delinquency. Each year the Commissioners inspect any and all juvenile halls, law enforcement facilities and public or private group home or placement facilities in which one or more minors are present for any length of time. Inspections are the main role of the Commissioners to ensure that needed services are identified, developed and provided for all youth.

    While conducting juvenile hall inspections, Commissioners review programs designed to address juvenile issues, menus for nutritious, well-balanced meals, safety and cleanliness of the facility, physical exercise regimes, health and mental health services and the classroom education provided. During inspections the Commissioners take the opportunity to speak to the youth and ask questions about their treatment and well-being. They may also ask staff questions about daily operations, program schedules and activity calendars. Upon completion of each inspection, the commissioners must provide a formal report of their findings to the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC), Presiding Judge of the Superior Juvenile Court, Chief Probation Officer, Director of Mental Health, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, County Executive Officer, Office of Education Executive Director and the Director of the Facility being inspected.

    Contact JJDPC

    Probation JJDPC Support
    PO Box 1260
    Riverside, CA 92502
    Phone (951) 358-7022
    [email protected]

    JJDPC History

    The involvement of good citizens in the California Juvenile Justice System dates back to 1903 in the Defining and Providing for the Control, Protection, and Treatment of Dependent and Delinquent Children ACT, California’s first juvenile court law. The law prohibited the commitment of children under 12 years old, to jail, prison, or police stations and put them under the care of the sheriff, police officer, constable, or probation officer. It required that children be placed in a city or county facility outside of any jail. The Act was amended in 1905 to require the juvenile court of each county to appoint a probation committee. Members of the probation committee served as unpaid assistant probation officers and citizen’s advisory groups.

    Over the years the functions of the probation committee varied from inspections of private and public juvenile institutions to public relations and political influence for the probation department. On September 15, 1961, the probation committee became the Juvenile Justice Commission as required under Section 225 of the California Welfare and Institution Code (W&IC). The Delinquency Prevention Commission was established under Section 233 W&IC. On September 11, 1967, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors ordained that the Juvenile Justice Commission be designated as the Delinquency Prevention Commission and shall be known as the Riverside County Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission (JJDPC).

    JJDPC Support Materials

      JJDPC Documents

      JJDPC Meeting Agenda


      JJDPC Meeting Minutes

      JJDPC Online Meetings

      JJDPC - Inspection Reports County Juvenile Hall Facilities

      JJDPC - Inspection Reports County Group Home Facilities

      County Police Department Facilities

      County Juvenile Group Activities


      The Commission consists of not less than seven and no more than fifteen members who serve up to two, four-year terms. There may also be two youth members, 18-21 years of age. All members are community volunteers, private citizens of the residents of Riverside County. Respectful of the confidentiality of all juvenile court matters, each Commissioner uses the utmost discretion and integrity while conducting the business of the Commission. These men and women donate their time and energy due to their sincere interest in the youth of Riverside County.

      JJDPC is seeking new members to fill commission vacancies. If you have a sincere desire to serve in the community, you will find this work interesting and rewarding. To volunteer, you must be a resident of Riverside County and available to serve approximately 4-10 hours per month. A background check shall be conducted on all applicants. For more information, please contact us.

      Christopher Collopy
      Laurel Cook
      Michael Belknapp
      Mike Belknapp
      Pam Torres
      Amanda Wades
      Amanda Wade
      Patricia Watson
      Patricia Watson
      Geogia JJDPC
      Georgia Hussein
      Joshua Angel JJDPC
      Joshua Angel
      Brian Ortiz